Take control of your complex projects

Organisations often grapple with the challenges of large-scale complex projects. Despite the best intentions, issues like optimism bias, manual estimation errors, and scope creep can lead to cost overruns and delays. Aryium recognises this common struggle and offers insights into how effective project controls can make the crucial difference between project success and failure.

Milad Fakurian on Unsplash, Colourful wavy lines background representing complexity

Every decision can reverberate throughout a complex project, therefore staying ahead of complexities is a necessity – early identification and monitoring through project controls can provide essential insights, enabling informed and timely decisions to navigate complexity.

Anatomy of complexity

Complexity is not a singular beast but a result of human behaviour, system interactions, uncertainty, and ambiguity. It's an entity that can materialise at any juncture during a project, often introduced by events or conditions impacting value, scope, communications, stakeholders, risk, and technological innovation.

Large-scale projects are prone to complexities that can disrupt timelines and budgets. Research indicates that a staggering 98% of such projects experience cost overruns or delays. Aryium acknowledges these realities and underscores the pivotal role of robust project controls in overcoming these challenges.

Understanding project controls

What are project controls?

Project controls are the processes used to gather and analyse project data, ensuring that costs and schedules remain on track. The PMI breaks down the project lifecycle into five phases of project management: Initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closure. Unlike sporadic interventions, project controls represent a systematic and repeatable approach to measuring project status, forecasting outcomes, and improving performance throughout the project lifecycle.

Project controls are the processes and systems used to plan, monitor, and control the progress and performance of a project. Project controls involve the collection, analysis, and reporting of data and information related to the project, and the use of this information to make informed decisions and take corrective actions as needed.

Examples of project control activities:

  • Development and management of project schedules

  • Aligning projects with organisational goals

  • Developing a work-breakdown structure (WBS)

  • Developing a risk management plan

  • Project budgeting and forecasting and monitoring project costs

  • Providing feedback and reporting

  • Development of project policies and procedures

  • Coordination of activities and communication amongst project stakeholders

Project controls are an important aspect of project management and are essential for ensuring the successful completion of a project on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.

Challenges with project controls

Despite the growing recognition of project controls, Aryium acknowledges challenges faced by project teams in their effective implementation:

  • Lack of commitment:

    • Project controls require active decision-making based on analysis and reporting.

    • Adequate authority and support from leadership are crucial for success

  • Perception as just another cost function:

    • While not always in the limelight, project controls are far from being just an overhead expense.

    • Proper training and awareness highlight the potential return on investment from effective controls.

  • Confrontational dynamic:

    • Building partnerships rather than a confrontational approach is essential.

    • Integration of the function with other areas of project management promotes harmony.

  • Manual and outdated processes:

    • Manual processes with cumbersome spreadsheets may hinder effective tracking and management.

    • Automated reporting and algorithm-based forecasts are essential for holistic insights.

The power of Aryium's project controls

Aryium advocates for a modern approach to project controls, with a focus on the ‘art of the interface’. Aryium emphasises the significance of consistent attention to detail throughout project durations and underscores the critical role of project controls in achieving success.

Are you ready to take back control?

Set up a chat, free of charge, to discuss how Aryium can support your complex project and create project controls that prioritise the ‘art of the interface’.


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