Aryium’s Staged Technical Reviews: a hand holding exercise
Sometimes in a project as a client, developer or user you might reach a gateway or milestone within a project and have a feeling that I’m not 100% sure of this and want to validate information. Or it could be that the project has such a high technical complexity and you want another pair of eyes, independent of the process to date.
The difference between success and failure often hinges on the quality of the technical feedback you receive along the way. Aryium has designed a service that addresses these exact needs — Staged Technical Reviews.
Aryium’s Staged Technical Reviews service is more than just a check-the-box approach. It's a collaborative, independent, and structured process aimed at reviewing the technical information. By leveraging the expertise of Aryium’s team, clients gain access to actionable insights.
What are Staged Technical Reviews?
Rather than taking on the design responsibility, Aryium is holding the hand of the client and advising from an independent perspective. The Staged Technical Review process is designed to offer an independent assessment of the design deliverables, identify improvement areas, highlight potential concerns and risks, and offer expert insights to enhance the design. Our experienced team carefully examines the documentation, drawings, and specifications to provide detailed and constructive feedback.
Throughout the review process, we collaborate closely with the client, understanding their objectives and requirements. We provide a comprehensive list of comments and observations, addressing critical aspects and risks and ensuring that the client's vision is effectively translated into the design. This feedback is then presented to the client, empowering them to make informed decisions and choose the comments they wish to incorporate. Sarah, Aryium’s CEO and Co-Director, gives an example:
“Something as simple as well, when you started the project, you were manufacturing your thing under certain conditions. But as the process has changed, the conditions you're manufacturing it under have changed and it may not have been picked up earlier in the process. It might be that you now need more space or you might have to do another step. There are just a whole bunch of things that would knock on from that – so it's a sanity check to ensure all decisions can be as informed as possible.”
Sarah elaborates:
“The service is called staged technical review because, unlike an ongoing client-side role, you are not constantly monitoring the deliverables of a design team, you're taking the information at a point in time, reviewing it against what that information should theoretically be against a proposal or against industry standards. It isn't a continuous process. It is very discreet, whereas the Design Guardian service, for example, is much more continuous.”
The Staged Technical Review is conducted from the perspective of a clear understanding of what the brief was and what the client wanted – to try and catch any issues.
Read Aryium’s blog on What is a Staged Technical Review? for more information.
Aryium expertise
Qualifications and experience are extremely important and Aryium can deliver the subject matter expertise for Staged Technical Reviews. Adrian, Aryium’s Co-Director is a chartered engineer, who has experience ranging from an automation apprentice to having worked on the most up-to-date systems such as the COVID vaccine rollout and CQV. Sarah (Borg Bonnici), Aryium’s Co-Director and CEO, is dual qualified in architecture and structural engineering, with a wealth of additional qualifications such as Professional certification and virus management from Edinburgh and Harvard Laboratory Design. Both the experience of working on complex projects and their impressive qualifications ensure the Staged Technical Reviews output is robust and complies with the latest guidelines and legislative best practices. We are fair and impartial, upholding the client’s interests – our goal is to make the project as good a project as possible, which is the goal of everyone else sitting around the table.
Avoiding expensive mistakes and cost considerations
A Staged Technical Review aims to test assumptions and tease out questions to make sure everyone is on the same page, because the complex buildings and projects are not cheap – not cheap to design – and not cheap to build or operate.
Through the Staged Technical Review, Aryium is ensuring that the workplace environment, building and products are all safe – by ensuring that the information is correct and validated.
Technical reports are an optional output and there are cost considerations to this type of report and how far along the Staged Technical Review process is occurring, e.g., Stage 3 and 4 where construction drawings are being reviewed.
Partnering with Aryium for Staged Technical Reviews means having a dedicated team of technical experts who meticulously analyse the design deliverables, ensuring that the design meets the highest quality and performance standards. We are committed to supporting our clients in making informed decisions and driving excellence in their projects.